Belle Shafir

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The work of Belle Shafir consists of readymade price tags on which there are tiny drawings of organic forms/mutations, which were handmade, and represent “the beginnings of life in the cloning era”, and business cards of a cloning company named “Clone R US”, where the name is supported by the name of the toy company “Toys R Us”. Shafir treats the cloning industry as a kind of a dangerous game, and as a protest, she “planted” her website address at the back of the business card, as a representation of the artist.


Shafir is asking how the genders will be defined in the future, in the “Cloning Era”. She is stating that it is science that will be involved in the creation of the cultural beings. Its involvement will determine the nature and the attributes of what will be defined as “feminine” or “masculine”.

Shafir is watching with concern at the changes that the society expects, and the fate of the “Natural Continuum”, in the Cloning Era. Its critique is expressed in the form of parody, emphasizing the economical, trading and marketing aspects of the Cloning industry.